Showing posts with label arcade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arcade. Show all posts

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Update Game Cookie Run OverBreaks APK New Version 1.49 [Latest Version] 2016 Gratis

Free Download Game Cookie Run OverBreaks APK Versi 1.49 Terbaru 2016 - Hai Sob Apa Kabar?? Admin hadir lagi nih sob, Bagaimana Kabar?? Semoga kalian semua selalu sehat ya sob dan selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Admin hadir lagi sob, hehe.. gak bosen kan sob?? gak capek capek posting mulu. hehe.. mumpung lagi mood baik dateng. Jadi Admin mau berbagi Aplikasi lagi nih, yang terbaru juga pastinya sob, tau apa??, jadi gini sob pada kesempatan ini admin akan berbagi Artikel yang menarik hati mengenai Game Android.

Download Game Cookie Run OverBreaks APK Versi Terbaru 2016 - Admin mau share game lucu lo sob, Game Cookies namanya, dan baru diperbarui bulan November ini diperbarui b Nama lengkapnya Cookie Run OvenBreak APK, di pagi hari yang seru ini pastinya kalian dipaadati dengan kemacetan dijalan raya banyak tugas yang dikejar Deadline dan PR bagi yang masih sekolah ataupun Tugas Skirpsi.. hoh ho, gaada salahnya sob, ketika kalian jenuh dengan sibuk dan padatnya aktivitas kalian istirahat dan isi waktu sengang dengan main game atau kegiatan lain, nah game ini cukup menyenangkan untuk mengisi waktu lo apalagi misal kalian lagi gak mood game ini bisa membuat kalian yang gak mood atau capek kembali pulih hatinya sebab ini game yang sangat menyenangkan, mau tau seperti apa ya silahkan download sendiri, pasti seru jangan hanya baca lewat artikel yang admin pos saja.

Game Cookie Run OverBreaks APK New Version - Nah yang mau admin jelasin nih, dalam game ini kamu bertindak sebagai si Biskuit atau si Cookie Run yang tugasnya berlari mengumpulkan dan mencari jelly kenyal yang banyak melewati banyak sekali rintangan dan cobaaan yang menghadang, ahaha Drama.. doh tapi bener lo sob, memang seperti itu, kalian harus mengumpulkan banyak sekali jelly dan untuk bisa mengkoleksi 50 biskuit kalian harus mengumpulkan dan mencari peti yang ada, oiya maksudnya biskuit yaitu si Cookie, jadi peran kamu disini menjadi biskuit (Cookie) yang terus berlari mengumpulkan jelly yang banyak, setelah itu kamu akan mendapatkan banyak sekali Peti untuk membuka dan mengumpulkan agar kamu bisa mengkoleksi 50 lebih Cookie dan Pets. Hebatnya lagi kalian bisa bersaing dengan pemain yang ada di seluruh dunia untuk mendapatkan skor tertinggi. 

Cookie Run OverBreaks APK - Mangkanya buruan ambil Game ini sebagai koleksi Game lucu dan keren kamu untuk bisa mengumpulkan Piala yang digunkaan untuk bisa mendapatkan kejutan dan petualangan yang tingkatnya lebih sulit lagi. Kamu harus bisa keluar dari oven si penyihir dan Berlari tak berujung dan temukan peti dan jelly untuk bisa naik ke tingkat atau petualangan yang lebih menantang lagi. Kalian bisa juga memilih karakter seperti Vampir Jus cinta dan zombi selai otak.

Functions :

- soar and Slide to eat Jellies and keep away from limitations
- Earn chests to unencumber and accumulate over 60 deliciously baked Cookies & Pets
- Compete with gamers from round the world and beat their high score
- venture pals to an epic 1vs1 Race
- accumulate Trophies to find out lands full of surprises and journey
- assist and get assist from friends for even more amusing!


Screenshot :
Link Download:
 Download Game Cookie Run OverBreaks APK V1.49
Download || Server1
Download || Server2

Requirements :

- Android OS 4.03 and Up
- Size 68.1
- Author Devsisters Coorporation
- Versi 1.49
- Category Arcade Game 

Oke begitu aja sob selamat menikmati, terimakasih sudah datang diblog saya. :)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016

Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016
Download Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016 - Selamat malam sahabat yulianggo dimanapun kalian berada, Bagaimana kabar kalian malam hari ini? Semoga pada malam hari ini, kalian dalam keadaan sehat dan juga dapat melanjutkan aktifitas sehari-hari dalam keadaan penuh dengan semangat. Pada kesempatan malam hari ini, saya akan membagikan sebuah Informasi Terbaru mengenai Game Android Terbaru 2016, yang merupakan game yang sangat keren dan juga seru. Game yang akan saya bagikan ini, merupakan besutan dari Developer Games yang bernama Electronic Arts dan game ini bernama Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes v0.7,181815 APK, game ini termasuk dalam game yang masuk dalam kategori Adventure, RPG, dan Action. Game ini merupakan game yang sangat populer, dan banyak dicari dan juga dimainkan oleh para gamer dari belahan Dunia. Game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ini pun dapat dimainkan oleh berbagai kalangan dan juga segala usia, dari usia Anak-anak, Remaja, maupun usia Dewasapun dapat memainkan game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ini. Selain itu, game ini sangat cocok untuk kalian mainkan untuk menemani waktu kosong kalian, karena game ini sangat seru dan juga keren.

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes v0.7,181815 APK ini merupakan game Smartphone Android yang diambil dari satu film yang sangat terkenal, yang bernama Star Wars Galaxy atau pertempuran antar galaxy. Bagi kalian yang pernah menonton film ini, pasti tau bagaimana keseruan dalam film ini, apalagi saat ini Star War Galaxy telah hadir dalam bentuk game, yang dapat kalian mainkan pada Smartphone Android kalian. Didalam game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ini kalian akan berperan sebagai pahlawan sekaligus kalian menjadi pemimpin yang mengumpulkan pasukan sebanyak-banyaknya, dan juga kalian dapat melatih pasukan kalian, agar pasukan kalian menjadi sangat kuat dan juga tak terkalah. Kalian pula dapat menciptakan tim yang paling hebat, kuat, dan juga tidak terkalahkan di pertempuran Galaxy dan jadilah seorang Master Galaxy dan bermain dengan pahlawan yang perkasa. Selain itu, Game ini cara untuk memainkan game ini pun terbilang sangat mudah, karena didalam gama ini sudah disediakan Button-button untuk menyerang, menahan serangan, dan juga mengelurkan jurus.

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK ini telah memiliki tampilan yang sangat keren dan juga tidak akan membuat mata kalian menjadi sakit, ketika kalian memainkan game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ini. Didalam ini juga terdapat fitur-fitur yang sangat keren, yang tidak akan membuat kalian bosan saat memainkan game ini. Selain itu, Game ini pula telah berbentuk modded atau modifikasi Hack, yang memudahkan kalian untuk memainkan game ini. Selain itu, kalian dapat memilih beberapa karakter Heroes yang seperti kalian inginkan, untuk dapat memenangkan pertandingan yang kalian mainkan pada game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ini. Bagaimana menurut kalian dengan game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ini? Bagi kalian yang penasaran dan juga ingin memainkan game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ini! Langsung saja Download pada Link Download yang sudah saya sediakan dibawah. Dan rasakan keseruan yang terdapat pada game ini, ketika kalian memainkan game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ini.

Description :

�Dengan visual yang istimewa dan musik Star Wars� yang menegangkan, Galaxy of Heroes adalah permainan wajib para penggemar filmnya,� � USA Today
�� Game Star Wars terbaik yang rilis untuk perangkat bergerak masa kini." � Gamezebo

Jalani fantasi Star Wars�-mu saat bertarung dengan pahlawan sisi gelap dan terang favorit di berbagai lokasi ikonik untuk menjadi master galaksi. Ciptakan dan sesuaikan pasukan impianmu menggunakan karakter dari setiap masa, termasuk karakter baru dari Star Wars�: The Force Awakens dan Rogue One�: Kisah Star Wars� yang akan datang. Ambil bagian dalam perang berbasis giliran, konfrontasi bos besar, kembangkan karaktermu, dan bawa pengalamanmu ke level selanjutnya!

Pemimpin pemberontak? Pendukung kerajaan? Kamu bebas memilih sambil mempersiapkan tim sisi terang dan gelap elit sekaligus mengumpulkan pahlawan dan karakter lain dari dunia Star Wars�. Buat pilihan strategis utama dan pilih rekan tim dengan kemampuan yang saling melengkapi untuk mendirikan pasukan tidak terkalahkan!

Kalahkan lawan dan bangkit ke posisi teratas sambil mendominasi game holo galaksi di cantina jauh.Tingkatkan kemampuan pahlawanmu saat bermain untuk serangan yang lebih kuat dan kemenangan yang lebih besar lagi. Kemudian lawan pemain lain di Perang Cantina Pasukan, Arena Pasukan PvP, dan Turnamen Pasukan untuk meraih kemuliaan.

Buat keputusan taktis cerdas dan perlengkapi pahlawanmu dengan peralatan terhebat untuk meningkatkan kerusakan mereka di perang galaksi. Buka kemampuan pemimpin khusus untuk membuat timmu tidak terhentikan sambil mengeluarkan jurus kuat seperti Kilat Force Kaisar Palpatine, Amukan Wookiee Chewbacca, dan lainnya.

Dapatkan kapal bintang ikonik dan kapal Utama besar untuk mendirikan armada perangmu. Serang tantangan serbabaru, bertarung di angkasa, dan bersaing di Arena Armada untuk menguji kemampuanmu. Kumpulkan material peningkatan unik untuk karakter yang hanya tersedia sebagai hadiah di perang kapal. Setiap kapal memiliki kru tersendiri yang menambahkan kekuatan khusus kepada kapal masing-masing. Rekrut karakter kuat untuk menciptakan armada terkuat!

Pimpin Penyerbuan bersama teman dan bertarung lawan bos berkuasa seperti Rancor dan Tank AAT dengan menciptakan Serikat yang bisa dikustomisasi! Beri komando kepada rekan serikatmu melalui Chat Serikat dan ambil bagian dalam Aktivitas Serikat Harian untuk meraih hadiah langka. Jaga tempatmu di posisi teratas Papan Peringkat Serikat dan saksikan legendamu berkembang.

Screenshot :

Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016 1

Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016 2

Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016 3

Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016 4

Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016 5

Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016 6

Fitur :


Trailer Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes :

Link Download :

(Download Disini) | (Mirror)

Sekian dahulu yang dapat bisa saya sajikan dan juga saya bagikan kepada kalian, mengenai Aplikasi untuk Android dan BBM Mod Terbaru 2016, dan membaca artikel saya ini. Semoga Artikel ini bisa bermanfaat dan membantu anda, dan jangan lupa untuk membagikan kepada orang yang anda cintai agar juga dapat mencobanya juga. Selamat menikmati dan mencoba, Terima kasih anda telah Download Star Wars�: Galaxy of Heroes MOD v0.7,181815 APK (Mega MOD) Terbaru 2016 dari kami dan juga Terima kasih atas kunjungannya dan jangan lewatkan Artikel Terbaru dan Aplikasi untuk Android dan BBM Mod Terbaru 2016 secara Gratis lainnya.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016
Download Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016 - Selamat datang lagi sahabat yulianggo dimanapun kalian berada pada saat ini, Bagaimana kabar kalian saat ini? Semoga kalian dalam keadaan sehat dan juga kalian dapat menjalankan aktifitas kalian sehari dengan penuh semangat. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan membagikan kepada kalian semua sebuah Informasi terbaru yang berupa Game Android Terbaru 2016 yang sangat populer dan juga banyak dimainkan oleh para gamer dari belahan seluruh dunia. Dan game yang akan saya bagikan kepada kalian adalah game yang bernama Zombie Tsunami v3.3.0 APK. Game ini merupakan besutan dari Developer game yang bernama Mobigame S.A.R.L, game ini masuk dalam kategori Arcande. Dan game yang saya bagikan kepada kalian ini sudah dalam versi MOD atau bisa kita sebut dengan Modifikasi Hack, yang dalam artiannya game ini sudah di modifikasi atau di Hack atau juga di Cheat, sehingga kalian dapat lebih mudah dalam kalian menjalankan game ini dan juga kalian dapat merasakan kesuruan yang luar bisa dalam game ini.

Zombie Tsunami v3.3.0 APK ini merupakan game yang sudah banyak di gemari dari segala kalangan, yang mulai dari anak-anak, remaja, maupun dewasa yang memainkan keseruan yang terdapat pada game ini. Game ini dimulai dari satu zombi yang berlari, kemudian zombie tersebut akan memakan orang yang ada didepan atau didekatnya. Jika orang tersebuat akan menjadi zombie yang akan mengikuti kita (zombie yang pertama), dan semakin lama dan semakin banyak orang yang akan kita makan, maka akan semakin banyak zombie yang mengikuti kita dan larinya pun akan semakin kencang, dan ditambah lagi dengan suara-suara zombie yang lucu yang dimana akan menghiasi sepanjang permainan, sehingga akan menambah keseruan pada gameini. Namun, game Zombie Tsunami ini tidak semudah apa yang kalian bayangkan, karena pastinya kalian akan berhadapkan pada beberapa cobaan dan juga rintangan, misalnya seperti BOM, Kendaraan, dan Jalan yang terputus-putus, jadi kalian harus mempunyai pemikiran atau trik yang jitu supaya kalian dapat melewati sebuah rintangan yang terdapat game ini.

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK ini merupakan game yang sangat seru, karena kalian akan mendapatkan efek yang sangat menarik, seperti tsunami, ninja, dan masih banyak lagi efek yang menarik lainnya yang memiliki fungsi yang berbeda-beda yang dapat kalian mencobanya satu persatu. Dan perlu diketahui juga, bahwa game android yang saya bagikan ini merupakan game yang memiliki versi mod apk, full version, dan tentunya gratis. Jadi, Bagaimana menurut kalian tentang game ini? Bagi kalian yang ingin penasaran untuk memainkan game ini, langsung saja Download pada Link Download yang sudah saya sediakan.

Screenshot :

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016 1

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016 2

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016 3

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016 4

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016 5

Fitur :

  • Tambahkan banyak zombie untuk menimbun Anda yang Anda bisa.
  • Frantic pemakan daging menyenangkan untuk seluruh keluarga!
  • Terus selama setidaknya satu zombie masih berjalan (dan itu tidak harus menjadi zombie Anda mulai dengan).
  • Kumpulkan 10 berbeda power-up dan bonus untuk menjalankan lebih dan menghancurkan lebih.
  • Balikkan mobil, bus, kendaraan dan tank untuk makan yang selamat dalam.
  • 300 + misi yang berbeda untuk melahap.

Apa yang Baru :

  • 45 free diamonds if you update from a previous version
  • Fix the cinema ticket
  • Double the chance to get a legendary pet
  • Show the next object to unlock
  • Show the next background name
  • Various bug fix
  • We made an important change to our server, you need to update as soon as possible to keep your data safe if you play with Facebook.
  • Spread the word, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or to keep informed.
  • Thanks for playing Zombie Tsunami

Cara menginstal :

  1. Download Zombie Tsunami Mod Apk
  2. Masuk ke Setting/scurity/ centang sumber tidak di ketahui
  3. Instal File Apk nya sampai selesai
  4. Mainkan Game nya

Trailer Zombie Tsunami :

Link Download :

Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK / Mirror

Sekian dahulu yang dapat bisa saya sajikan dan juga saya bagikan kepada kalian, mengenai Aplikasi untuk Android dan BBM Mod Terbaru 2016, dan membaca artikel saya ini. Semoga Artikel ini bisa bermanfaat dan membantu anda, dan jangan lupa untuk membagikan kepada orang yang anda cintai agar juga dapat mencobanya juga. Selamat menikmati dan mencoba, Terima kasih anda telah Download Zombie Tsunami MOD v3.3.0 APK Hack (Unlimited Coins + Diamond) Terbaru 2016 dari kami dan juga Terima kasih atas kunjungannya dan jangan lewatkan Artikel Terbaru dan Aplikasi untuk Android dan BBM Mod Terbaru 2016 secara Gratis lainnya.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Download Tekken 6 PSP ISO Android Game (Highly Compressed) PPSSPP/PSP

TEKKEN 6 the most Famous and Addictive Game of PSP with 100% smooth gameplay for Android . Tekken 6 Android Apk (.cso) rom is now playable for android. so download this game and play without any lacking .
Tekken 6 is a fighting game developed and published by Namco Bandai. It is the seventh main installment in the Tekken franchise. It was released in Japanese arcades on November 26, 2007 as the first game running on the PlayStation 3-based System 357 arcade board.

The game received an update, subtitled Bloodline Rebellion, a year later. A home version based on the update was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 27, 2009 and for PlayStation Portable on November 24, 2009. This game can be digitally download via PlayStation Store to play on PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita. It is the first Tekken game to include multi-tiered stages and bound system. The game received generally positive reviews, especially the PSP version, which got an 82.60% from GameRankings and 82/100 from Metacritic.

TEKKEN 6 sees the return of many familiar faces as well as new characters to create the largest line-up the series has ever seen. With a growing roster of fighters, each equipped with their own deadly techniques, moves and attack combinations, TEKKEN 6 will be the best King of Iron Fist Tournaments yet. Adding to the already rich gaming experience, a deeper character customization feature will only further enhance the incredible fighting intensity as players go mano-a-mano. Players can also take the battle online for classic match-ups and to compete for world domination.

ALSO SEE :- Download Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 psp iso+cso Android


Tekken 6 features bigger stages with more interactivity than its predecessors
such as walls or floors that can be broken to reveal new fighting areas
 The character customization feature has been enhanced
 certain items have implications in some aspects of gameplay.
A new "rage" system has been added, giving characters more damage per hit when their vitality is below a certain point


How To Install

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then download  Tekken 6.cso psp rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Tekken 6 rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Resistance Retribution Android PSP iso+cso Game Free Download (PSP+PPSSPP)


Resistance: Retribution is a third-person shooter video game developed by SCE Bend Studio for Sony's PlayStation Portable. It was announced on July 15, 2008 at Sony's E3 press conference and released on March 12, 2009 in Japan, March 17, 2009 in North America, March 20, 2009 in Europe and March 26, 2009 in Australia. Bend Studio said in an interview with GameSpot that they worked with Insomniac Games in the initial process of the game design. It is set between Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2. Despite generally positive reviews and a decent fanbase, Sony has discontinued online support for the game

ALSO SEE :- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Vice City Stories Game PSP ISO Free Download (With Cheats) 

Two months before the Chimera's central tower in London is destroyed and their armies are defeated in Britain, British Royal Marine Lieutenant James Grayson finds his brother Johnny partially converted into a Chimera while on a mission to destroy one of the Chimeran conversion centres. Grayson reluctantly follows protocol regarding infected soldiers, and kills Johnny, but this causes him to suffer a nervous breakdown and he deserts his troops, leading his own personal vendetta against the Chimera. After destroying 26 conversion centres, Grayson is captured by the British and put to trial for capital crimes, where he is sentenced to death for desertion


Resistance Retribution PSP iso Gameplay 

The game offers 8-player online multiplayer matches with modes that include Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Containment, Free For All and Assimilation.

ALSO SEE :- Download Persona 3 Portable ISO+CSO PSP Android Game with Full (Cheats) 

On October 9, 2008, it was announced that players with a copy of Resistance 2 in their PlayStation 3, while having their PSP 2000 or 3000 (also works with PSP 1000) connected via AV output to the television, will be able to play Resistance: Retribution with a DualShock 3 controller. This is a new, cross-link feature of both games dubbed PSP Plus. While PSP Plus is enabled, it has been reported that aim assist will be disabled and that players would be able to remap their controls to better use the extra inputs on the PlayStation 3 controller. DualShock 3 rumble will also be supported.



  • Install PPSSPP APK
  • Then Download Resistance Retribution psp iso Rom.
  • Open PPSSPP and Search Resistance Retribution psp iso Rom and select and Play.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Free Download Pc Games Audition: Ayo Dance (OFFLINE VERSION)

Minimum Sytem Requirements 
 Operating system: Windows � 98/2000/ME/XP/7/8/10 
Processor: Intel Pentium IV 2.8 Ghz
Memory: 1 GB 
Video Card Memory: 256MB
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX � 9.0

Download Link (2 Gb)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Totem Runner 1.0.1 APK for Android

Free Arcade Game Developer by Chillingo

Totem Runner 1.0.1 APK Free Download for Android

When the world is threatened by a malevolent darkness a brave warrior rises, fearless and ready to run in the fray. His confidence is his mystical ability steeled at-will in noble creatures including a rampaging rhino, capable of spearing transform enemies on his horn, a mighty eagle that can soar over deadly hazards, and a fearsome dragon able all to defeat standing in it's way.
While it runs, the warrior breathes new life into the world and sets new stars in the sky. Knowing when between forms convert - man, bird and animal - is the key to success in this action-packed endless runner.

Totem Runner unique views through its compelling gameplay and immersive story matched. Take the challenge and the warriors are within.

Fantastic action
Transform into animals, dragons and back to a warrior as you charge through the world defeating evil!

fascinating world
The unique 'silhouette' style, haunting music and great entertainment you into the mystical world of Totem Runner.

An incredible journey
Running, flying and romp through five chapters of compelling gameplay.

Become a Magician, the Lord of the stars or the Great Shadow finish also of challenges in the game.


September 3, 2013


10,000 - 50,000

Current Version

Requires Android
2.3 and up

Google Play
Download Apk File Links : zippyshare | sendspace

Friday, January 29, 2016

Download Tekken 6 Apk [ISO+CSO] Android Rom Highly Compressed For PSP

TEKKEN 6 the most Famous and Addictive Game of PSP with 100% smooth gameplay for Android . Tekken 6 Android Apk (.cso) rom is now playable for android. so download this game and play without any lacking .
Tekken 6 is a fighting game developed and published by Namco Bandai. It is the seventh main installment in the Tekken franchise. It was released in Japanese arcades on November 26, 2007 as the first game running on the PlayStation 3-based System 357 arcade board.

Also See :- Download Dragon City Apk Mod Money v2.7.1 [Unlimited Gems]

The game received an update, subtitled Bloodline Rebellion, a year later. A home version based on the update was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 27, 2009 and for PlayStation Portable on November 24, 2009. This game can be digitally download via PlayStation Store to play on PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita. It is the first Tekken game to include multi-tiered stages and bound system. The game received generally positive reviews, especially the PSP version, which got an 82.60% from GameRankings and 82/100 from Metacritic.

TEKKEN 6 sees the return of many familiar faces as well as new characters to create the largest line-up the series has ever seen. With a growing roster of fighters, each equipped with their own deadly techniques, moves and attack combinations, TEKKEN 6 will be the best King of Iron Fist Tournaments yet. Adding to the already rich gaming experience, a deeper character customization feature will only further enhance the incredible fighting intensity as players go mano-a-mano. Players can also take the battle online for classic match-ups and to compete for world domination.

ALSO SEE :- Download 8 Ball Pool 3.3.0 Apk [Mod Money] Free For Android


Tekken 6 features bigger stages with more interactivity than its predecessors
such as walls or floors that can be broken to reveal new fighting areas
 The character customization feature has been enhanced
 certain items have implications in some aspects of gameplay.
A new "rage" system has been added, giving characters more damage per hit when their vitality is below a certain point


How To Install

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then download  Tekken 6.cso psp rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Tekken 6 rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Download Dante's Inferno Android PSP/PPSSPP (iso+cso) Full Game

dante's inferno android psp games

Dante's Inferno is a 2010 action-adventure video game developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles. The game was also released on the PlayStation Portable and was developed by Artificial Mind and Movement. The story is based on Inferno, the first canticle of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, and shares many similarities with the poem. The game includes damned found in appropriate circles of hell and various other monsters from the poem. The game follows the exploits of Dante (reimagined as a Templar Knight) as he journeys through the nine circles of Hell to reclaim the soul of his beloved Beatrice from the hands of Lucifer.

ALSO SEE :- Download WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 Apk Android (ISO+CSO) Game PPSSPP

Dante's Inferno Gameplay

Dante's Inferno is an action-adventure game. The player controls Dante, the game's protagonist, and engages in fast-paced combat, platforming and environment-based puzzles.[5] In the game, Dante's primary weapon is Death's scythe that can be used in a series of combination attacks and finishing moves.[6] His secondary weapon is a Holy Cross that fires a volley of energy as a projectile attack. In addition, Dante can use numerous magic based attacks and abilities channeled from a mana pool to help in combat, many of which are obtained as the game progresses. A quick time event system is used when attempting to discharge the demon of its master[clarification needed] and during boss fights, where players must press the highlighted button on screen in order to continue the chain of attacks, or be countered and wounded otherwise.

The game involves large sections of platforming, including swinging between ropes and climbing walls, both of which can involve hazards such as fire or swinging blades. There is also a series of environment-based puzzle sequences that can impair the progress of Dante's quest, such as requiring the correct positioning of movable objects or pulling levers at the appropriate time. In addition, there are numerous hidden passages where Biblical relics can be found and equipped to improve Dante's abilities.


How To Install

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then download Dante's Inferno iso psp rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Dante's Inferno iso psp rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Monday, December 7, 2015

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Minimum System Requirements 

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Memory RAM: 512 Mb 
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Harddisk Space: 1 Gb

Friday, November 27, 2015

Download Army of Two: The 40th Day cso+iso (USA) Free Gaming Rom

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Army of Two: The 40th Day is a third-person shooter video game developed by EA Montreal and published by Electronic Arts for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game was also released for PlayStation Portable, which was developed by Buzz Monkey. It is the sequel to Army of Two. Army of Two: The 40th Day was released on January 12, 2010 in North America, on January 14, 2010 in Australia and on January 15, 2010 in Europe

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The 40th Day focuses on two-player cooperative play and employs a cover system. It features Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem, the two protagonists from the original game, as combatant partners who, with the assistance of their handler Alice Murray, must fight to survive and prevail over invading forces that have engulfed Shanghai, China in a devastating terrorist attack. A demo of the game was released on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

Army of Two : The 40th Day Gameplay

Weapons and upgrades are available, with interchangeable upgrades between weapons such as adding the barrel of one assault rifle to another. The "pimped" option returns along with new camouflage schemes. Weapons can now also be obtained from dead enemies, increasing the player's arsenal to four weapons, along with grenades. Bullets will be able to penetrate weaker materials such as wood and sheet metal. Certain weapons and weapon lockers can only be unlocked by morality moments. Weapon parts can be obtained in the game for free, either by searching armored boxes (which are locked as soon as the enemy guarding it detects the player's presence), rescuing hostages, or simply exploring.

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New Heavy enemy types appear as bosses. They wear thick armor and often require a special method of attack to defeat, such as shooting gas canisters or grenade bags that they carry. The Heavy enemies carry weapons such as a flamethrower and a Gatling gun that cannot be unlocked by the player, though they can be picked up and temporarily used after the Heavy is defeated.



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  • Then Download Army of Two: The 40th Day iso psp rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Download  Army of Two: The 40th Day iso psp  rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Download Kingdom Heart Birth By Sleep PSP Cso+Iso (U.S) Free Android Game Rom


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation Portable, serving as the sixth installment in the Kingdom Hearts series. The game was released on UMD in Japan on January 9, 2010, in North America on September 7, 2010 and in the PAL regions on September 10, 2010. An international version of the game titled Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix was released in Japan in January 2011 featuring the changes made in the non-Japanese versions.

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The game utilizes an overhauled battle system different from previous games in the series with new elements. It is a prequel to the original Kingdom Hearts, taking place nine years before. The game centers on the journeys of Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, characters briefly featured in Kingdom Hearts II, in their quest to locate the missing Master Xehanort and protect the worlds from creatures known as the Unversed. The player has access to the three characters' different scenarios when playing.

Kingdom Heart Birth By Sleep Gameplay


Birth by Sleep is an action role-playing game that introduces a gameplay aspect to the series called the Command System. This system allows players to customize a Command Deck with techniques and abilities that they can perform at will, called Deck Commands.[11][12] Performing ordinary attacks and Commands fills a gauge displayed above the Command Deck. When certain requirements are fulfilled and the gauge is full, the player's basic attack is changed to the "Surge" Command, which racks up powerful combos depending on what Command Style is activated. Filling the gauge a second time replaces the "Surge" Command with the more powerful "Storm" Command.

ALSO SEE :- Download Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Android Apk (ISO+CSO) Game [PSP+PPSSPP]

Unlike previous games in the series, the game does not utilize Magic Points (MP) for spells or magic casting. It instead uses a system known as Focus, which is displayed in an orange gauge on the interface. The player can use Focus to perform a technique called Shotlock with which the player enters a first person mode where they target enemies to cast homing spells that differ with each character and technique, depleting the gauge relative to the number of enemies targeted. Once depleted, the Focus gauge gradually refills with every attack and Deck Command the player lands on an enemy


How To Install

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then Download  Kingdom Heart Birth By Sleep iso psp rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Download  Kingdom Heart Birth By Sleep iso psp rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Download Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Android Apk (ISO+CSO) Game [PSP+PPSSPP]

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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is an action-adventure stealth video game produced by Konami and Kojima Productions that was released for the PlayStation Portable in 2010. Peace Walker is the third action-based Metal Gear title made specifically for the PSP, following Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and its stand-alone expansion Portable Ops Plus, and the first in the series released for a portable platform to be directed by series' creator Hideo Kojima. This is the first title in the series to alter the traditional tagline "Tactical Espionage Action" to "Tactical Espionage Operations", referring to the base building and mission mechanics of the game.

Set in 1974 in Costa Rica, the game follows the exploits of returning protagonist Big Boss (previously known as Naked Snake in Snake Eater and Portable Ops, now known simply as Snake) as he runs the mercenary unit Militaires Sans Fronti�res (Soldiers Without Borders).[4]


Players get to choose which missions to play from the "Mission Selector" screen. There are two main types of Missions: Main Ops are the primary story-based missions in which goals are determined by the narrative and must be played in a strict order in order to proceed. Some Main Ops missions include illustrated cutscenes that involve bits of interactivity in order proceed. Extra Ops are optional side-missions that involve much more elaborate goals ranging from simple target practices to obtaining secret documents.

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When the player completes a mission, his or her performance is evaluated afterward. A player's score is penalized with a lower rank and reduced heroism for excessive killing and frequently being discovered, whereas players who are stealthy and subdue enemy soldiers non-lethally will be awarded appropriately. Players can replay previously cleared missions for higher ranks


The Comrade System from Portable Ops has been removed in favor of a cooperative play mode called "Co-Ops", which allows two players to play most sneaking missions and four players in boss missions. There are several actions that can take place when two players are next to each other. 'Snake-in' allows players to hold on to each other as one player leads the way, also allowing the players to fire on the move. Other co-operative actions include holding up closing doors, performing CPR on fallen comrades, sharing items, and acting as a spotter for other players whose vision is obscured.

Versus Ops are multiplayer matches played over special versions of certain maps. The player has a choice of whether to organize individual or team deathmatches, base capture and quetzal capture missions. Only certain items or weapons unlocked in the single-player campaign can be used in the mode. Each match can gather up to six players with restrictions included, such as life and psyche points not regained and limited time for CPR revivals.



  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then download Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker psp rom.
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker psp rom.
  • Play and enjoy the game.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Free Download Pc Games Bad Piggies 1.0.0 (FULL VERSION)

Minimum System Requirements

Processor: Pentium IV 1 Ghz or AMD Athlon
Operating System: Windows Xp,Vista,7,8
RAM: 512 Mb
Open GL: 1.4
Harddisk Space: 200 Mb
Keyboard and Mouse

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

God Of War Ghost Of Sparta iso Android Compressed (PSP+PPSSPP) Rom


Download God of War: Ghost of Sparta Psp iso Android Apk Game. God of War: Ghost of sparta is a third person action-adventure video game developed by Ready at Dawn and Santa Monica Studio, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). It was first released for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld console on November 2, 2010. The game is the sixth installment in the God of War series and the fourth chronologically. Loosely based on Greek mythology.

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GOD OF WAR Ghost of Sparta is set in ancient Greece with vengeance as its central motif. The player controls the protagonist Kratos, the God of War. Kratos is still haunted by the visions of his mortal past and decides to explore his origins. In Atlantis, he finds his mother Callisto, who claims that his brother Deimos is still alive. Kratos then journeys to the Domain of Death to rescue his brother. After initial resentment from Deimos, the brothers team up to battle the God of Death, Thanatos.

The gameplay is similar to that of the previous installments, and focuses on combo-based combat, achieved through the player's main weapon�the Blades of Athena�and a secondary weapon acquired later in the game. It features quick time events that require the player to complete various game controller actions in a timed sequence to defeat stronger enemies and bosses. Up to three magical attacks and a power-enhancing ability can be used as alternative combat options. Ghost of Sparta also features puzzles and platforming elements. The combat system was updated with 25 percent more gameplay than its PSP predecessor, God of War: Chains of Olympus.

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Ghost of Sparta received praise for its story, gameplay, and graphics. Several critics agree that it is the best-looking game on the PSP. Others have compared the overall game to those on the PlayStation 3 (PS3), and some have said that the graphics are better than those of the PlayStation 2 (PS2). Ghost of Sparta received several awards, including "Best Handheld Game", "Best PSP Game", and "PSP Game of Show" at the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), and "Best Handheld Game" at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards. By June 2012, it had sold almost 1.2 million copies worldwide. Together with Chains of Olympus, Ghost of Sparta was remastered and released on September 13, 2011, as part of the God of War: Origins Collection and the remastered version was re-released on August 28, 2012, as part of the God of War Saga, both for the PlayStation 3.


How To Install.

  • Download PPSSPP.apk
  • Then download 
  • Run PPSSPP app and select your GOD OF WAR GHOST OF SPARTA ISO PSP ROM.
  • Play and enjoy the game.